Original Collection of Classical Archaeology
Highlights of the Collection
Mixing vessel for wine with scene from the Trojan saga: Helen flees from Menelaus and is rescued by Aphrodite and Eros, created around 460 BC.
The marble head originally belonged to the sculpture of a life-size boy wrestling with a goose, Roman copy after Hellenistic original, coll. Eberle
Visit collection
Opening hours
Wed to Sun from 10am to 5pm
Thurs from 10am to 7pm
“Sundays at 3” all year round
Group and school tours by appointment
Book tour
Tel: 07071-2977579
Adults: 5€
Reduced: 3€ (children, pupils, students, pensioners, severely disabled people)
Family ticket: 12€
Students of Tübingen: Free of charge
Original Collection of Classical Archaeology | Museum Ancient Cultures
Burgsteige 11 | Hohentübingen Castle
72070 Tübingen