Master Profile Line Museum & Collections MuSa
Unfortunately, due to circumstances, there may be changes to the event programme at short notice. Please watch for notifications via the email distribution list.
Certificates for Prof Seidl's lecture “Geschichte, Begriffe und Theorien des Museums” will be issued on
Tuesday to Thursday, 9 am to 3:30 pm
in the MUT office in the Pfleghof (Schulberg 2).
The profile line “Museum & Collections” (MuSa) is a collaboration between several art, cultural studies and history departments and the Museum of the University of Tübingen MUT. Students are thus offered the opportunity to specialise within existing Master's programmes, with a focus on museum theory, collection studies and exhibition practice. In winter semester 2016/2017, the MuSa profile was established with the support of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts.
You have further questions about the Master profile or the subjects involved? To the contact information of the academic advisors.
You wish to get all relevant notifications through the MuSa e-mail distribution list? Please send us an e-mail to musa[at] (send e-mail).
You want to take a course by the MUT without performance record or are you having difficulties registering in the ALMA portal? The MUT office will be happy to assist you via musa[at] (send e-mail).
The objective of the Master profile is training the students in museum theory and practice that complements rather than replaces their academic studies. Tübingen's profile line in particular bundles the existing museological and collection science courses from the participating disciplines and connects these with the museum and exhibition-related competences and possibilities of the Museum of the University of Tübingen as central institution. The practical events are based on the nationally unique inventory of over 70 scientific collections. They enable students to undertake major projects in their immediate professional environment.
Certification of the specialisation on the Master's certificate is made by informal request from the student to the Examination Office.
Students of the participating disciplines can choose the profile “Museum & Collections” at the beginning of their Master's programme, at the lastest at the start of their second Master semester. The modules are worth 30 of the total of 120 credit points of a Master's programme. They consist of three consecutive compulsory modules:
- MuSa-01 “Museum history and theory” (two semesters with lecture and seminar)
- MuSa-02 “Student project Museum & Collections” (two semesters with overarching practice project)
- MuSa-03 “Exhibition and collection in disciplinary context” (one semester with a subject-specific, collection-relevant course of variable format)
- Ning Yuan: “Von China nach Württemberg. Eine Provenienzstudie zu Akteuren der Kolonialgeschichte im deutschen Südwesten” (From China to Württemberg. Provenance study on stakeholders of colonial history in the German Southwest). Master's thesis, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, WS 2024/2025.
- Amy Kraiß: Kunstraub unter dem Roten Stern. Folgen der (post-)sowjetischen Ideologie für den deutsch-russischen Restitutionsdialog (Art theft under the Red Star. The consequences of (post-)Soviet ideology for the German-Russian restitution dialogue).Master's thesis, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, SoSe 2024.
- Sarah Kling: “Der Weg der geraubten Bücher – Provenienzforschung zu NS-Raubgut an der Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen” (The path of looted books – Provenance research on Nazi loot at the University Library of Tübingen). Master's thesis, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, WS 2023/2024.
- Tatjana Aischa Dörrer: “Der ‘blaue Fritz’ – König Wilhelm II. als Förderer kolonialer Sammelwut in Württemberg” (The ‘Blue Fritz’ – King Wilhelm II as promoter of the colonial collecting mania in Württemberg). Master's thesis, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, WS 2023/2024.
- Antonia-Luise Arntzen: "Der Fall ‘Aktion Licht’ – Die Geheimoperation der Stasi und ihre Bedeutung für die Provenienzforschung" (The case 'Aktion Licht' - the secret operation of the Stasi and its significance for provenance research). Bachelor's thesis, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, WS 2023/2024.
- Katja Schurr: “Souvenirs aus den Kolonien – Provenienzforschung zu den afrikanischen Masken der Sammlung Domnick” (Souvenirs from the Colonies – Provenance Research on African Masks in the Domnick Collection). Master's thesis, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, WS 2022/2023. (Her results were published in the journal Schwäbische Heimat (2023|3) unter the title of "Koloniale Spuren in der Gegenwart. Provenienzforschung an den afrikanischen Masken der Sammlung Domnick“ (Colonial traces in the present. Provenance research on the African masks in the Domnick collection))
- Thomas Müller: Die Gemäldegalerie Karls VI. und das Schwarze Kabinett in der Wiener Stallburg. Zum Zustand der Transformation zwischen Kunstkammer und öffentlichem Museum (The Picture Gallery of Charles VI and the Black Cabinet in the Stallburg in Vienna. On the state of transformation between Kunstkammer and public museum). Masterarbeit Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, SoSe 2024.
- Ana Sofia Suárez Lerche: Die Materialität der Kleinplastiken Leonhard Kerns und das Sammlungswesen des 17. Jahrhunderts (The materiality of Leonhard Kern's small sculptures and the collecting system of the 17th century). Masterarbeit Eberhard Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, WiSe 2022/2023.
- Anna Tünde Buzdogán: Nachhaltige Museumsarchitektur. Die Passivhausbauweise aus konservatorischer, ökologischer und ökonomischer Perspektive am Beispiel des Ravensburger Kunstmuseums (Sustainable museum architecture. Passive house construction from a conservational, ecological and economic perspective using the example of the Ravensburg Art Museum). Masterarbeit Eberhard Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, WiSe 2021/2022.
- Sven-Jan Oliver Reinacher: Repräsentation einer Patrizierfamilie. Zur Architektur und den Wandmalereien des Altstadthauses Herrengasse 15 in Wasserburg am Inn (Representation of a patrician family. On the architecture and murals of the old town house at Herrengasse 15 in Wasserburg am Inn). Masterarbeit Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, WiSe 2021/2022.
- Celia Maurer: Die Kirche im Museum. Spätmittelalterliche Skulptur zwischen Kontextverlust, Kunstcharakter und Rekontextualisierung (The church in the museum. Late medieval sculpture between loss of context, artistic character and recontextualisation). Masterarbeit Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, WiSe 2019/2020.
- Kristina Buckel: Museen für das 21. Jahrhundert. Yoshio Taniguchi im Kontext aktueller Museumsarchitektur: Das Horyuji Treasure Museum und das Museum of Modern Art (Museums for the 21st century. Yoshio Taniguchi in the context of contemporary museum architecture: The Horyuji Treasure Museum and the Museum of Modern Art). Masterarbeit Eberhard Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, WiSe 2019/2020.