Special exhibition
June 29th to August 27th 2023
MUT | Ancient Cultures| Hohentübingen Castle
Burgsteige 11 | 72070 Tübingen
Opening hours
Wed to Sun, 10am to 5pm
Thurs, 10am to 7pm
Adult: 5 €
Reduced: 3 € (children, students, retirees, disabled)
Family ticket: 12 €
Students of the University of Tübingen: frei
University of Tübingen
Exzellenzcluster „Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections“ (CMFI)
Auf der Morgenstelle 28 · 72076 Tübingen
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit: Leon Kokkoliadis
Phone: +49 7071 2974707
micropop.space | controlling-microbes
Design, Science and the World of Microbes
In the course of this project, doctoral students from the Cluster of Excellence CMFI and students from the programs of Industrial and Communication Design at the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design (ABK) have been working together in transdisciplinary teams – combining cutting-edge research and innovative art. These teams developed eight exhibits that focus on a wide variety of aspects of microbiome research. Working together, we follow the common goal of exploring fresh perspectives and innovative possibilities that arise when science and art work closely together to communicate research – and make the invisible visible to the public.
The doctoral students participating in the project come from the fields of microbiome research, such as infection biology, immunology, bioinformatics, pharmaceutical biology, antibiotic research, microbiology, and biotechnology. The ABK classes work with a variety of approaches to industrial and communication design. Their methods and materials are multi-faceted, ranging from augmented reality, digital pieces, and 3D printing to bronze casting, woodwork, and type design.
The exhibits play freely with various research concepts and objects. They are strongly interactive and confront visitors of the exhibition with what is otherwise inaccessible to the human senses.
The Idea of the Project
About 40 to 100 trillion microorganisms live on and in every human body. Together, all these bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microbes make up our individual microbiomes. Today, research into how exactly they interact and how their complex micro biotical balance works is more important than ever: a better understanding of the microbiome can help us, for instance, to get a better grip on known and emerging infectious diseases. This is crucial, especially in light of increasing antibiotic resistances around the world.
The exhibits are the result of a collaboration launched in November 2021 between the University of Tübingen's Cluster of Excellence "Controlling Microbes to Fight Infections" (CMFI), the Stuttgart Academy of Fine Arts (ABK), and the Tübingen Research Center for Science Communication. This page presents a first look at our results.
Opening of the exhibition
Die opening took place on June 29th at 7pm in the Rittersaal at Hohentübingen Castle.
Leadership Team
‘The Popular Microbiome’ addresses the field of science communication and knowledge transfer – and is based on a project idea by Dr. Davina Höll, who explores the historical and epistemological contexts as well as the ethical consequences of microbiome research within the Cluster of Excellence CMFI. In addition, Leon Kokkoliadis, the cluster’s public relations manager, and Michael Pelzer, who is responsible for the excellence strategy’s project area of ‘Knowledge Design’ at the Department of General Rhetoric, are part of the leadership team. On the Stuttgart side, the leadership team is completed by Prof. Uwe Fischer, David Gebka (Industrial Design) and Prof. Dr. hc. Patrick Thomas (Communication Design). The interdisciplinary cooperation process is accompanied and documented by Berlin based multimedia specialist and artistic researcher Johanna Barnbeck.
More information regarding the exhibition can be found here.
Exhibition venue
MUT | Ancient Cultures | Hohentübingen Castle
Burgsteige 11 | 72070 Tübingen
Opening hours
Wed to Sun 10am to 5pm
Thurs 10am to 7pm
Adult: 5 €
Reduced: 3 € (children, students, retirees, disabled)
Family ticket: 12 €
Students of the University of Tübingen: free