Fighting and Sports in Antiquity
A fist fight with prickly bandages, the race in full armour or horseback racing with magical obstacles demanded hard, professional training from the ancient athletes, with full use of their body. A win at the games, however, brought highest esteem and extensive privileges.
The countless objects of our collection on the subject of sport document the physical ideals and present the socially high significance of the Olympic Games or other ancient competitions.
Analogies and differences to today’s professional sport are also depicted.
Age group: adolescents (12+) and adults (18+)
Duration: about 60 minutes
Guided Tour Times
Guided tours are possible at any time upon request.
Group of adults: 50 euros plus entry fee
Group of pupils: 50 Euros including entry fee
Adults: 5€
Reduced: 3€ (children, pupils, students, pensioners, severely disabled people)
Family ticket: 12€
Students of Tübingen: free of charge
Ancient Cultures | Collections in Hohentübingen Castle
Burgsteige 11
72070 Tübingen
Bookings: 07071-29-77384
Register: 07071-29-77579