In Search of the Ghost of the Castle
It’s getting spooky in Hohentübingen Castle! The ghost of the castle has showed itself once more after many years, for it cannot free itself from its curse on its own. Now the ghost needs the help of a group of young researchers who can help it in the search for traces through the history of mankind. Exciting riddles which are helpful on the way to liberation are found between Ice Age art and Egyptian mummies. And on the way you will also experience more about your history and learn to know the castle from a very different perspective.
Age group: for children (5+)
Duration: about 60 minutes
Guided Tour Times
Guided tours are possible at any time upon request.
Group of adults: 50 euro plus entry
Group of pupils: 50 euro including entry
Adults: 5€
Reduced: 3€ (children, pupils, students, pensioners, severely disabled people)
Family ticket: 12€
Students of Tübingen: free of charge
Ancient Cultures | Collections in Hohentübingen Castle
Burgsteige 11
72070 Tübingen
Bookings: 07071-29-77384
Register: 07071-29-77579