A Day in the Life of Seschemnefer
Based on a search game we will accompany the vizier Seschemnefer III.’s family on a day in the ancient Egypt 4500 years ago. The children will learn about important gods, but also about everyday things. The visit of the original Egyptian sacrificial chamber of the vizier and the extensive grave goods in the museum reveals the way in which the Egyptians dealt with the subject of death: what they believed or hoped and which preparations were to be made for eternal life.
With the help from an exercise book, tasks can be solved, small sketches can be drawn and observations can be noted.
Age group: children (5+) and adolescents (12+)
Duration: about 90 minutes
Opening Hours
Wed to Sun, 10am till 5pm
Thu, 10am till 7pm
70 € including entry fee
MUSEUMS.GUT.SCHEIN (voucher): The KSK Tübingen supports the visit with up to 75€ and up to 50€ for the journey by public transport. More information can be found here.
Bookings: 07071-29-77384
Register: 07071-29-77579
E-Mail: museumuni-tuebingen.de
Ancient Cultures | Collections in Hohentübingen Castle
Burgsteige 11
72070 Tübingen