Collections in Hohentübingen Castle
Marvel at many superlatives of cultural history such as the oldest art works of mankind (UNESCO World Heritage site Ice Age figures) or the oldest music instruments in the world. Learn more about the UNESCO World Heritage Site “Pile Dwellings”, the Egyptian chamber of sacrifice of Seshemnefer III., the Tübingen gunner and the Malanggan art works from New Ireland.
Opening hours: Wed to Sun, 10am till 5pm | Thu, 10am till 7pm

Origins of Art
When did the first works of art come about? The highlights of the collection of Earlier Prehistory are the Ice Age figures made of mammoth ivory which, being approximately 40 000 years old, belong to the oldest artworks worldwide. This also includes the world-famous Vogelherd horse.

Pile Dwellings + Celts
How did people live 7000 years ago? The collection of Recent Prehistory presents exhibits of the UNESCO World Heritage Site “Prehistoric Pile Dwellings” at Lake Federsee as well as Iron Age objects of the Celtic settlements Heuneburg on the Upper Danube and Heidengraben in the Swabian Jura.

What were the secrets of the forgotten writings? The collection of Mesopotamian cuneiform texts covers the entire area of the Ancient Oriental development of writing over the last 5000 years.

Deities & Graves
How did the Egyptians bury? The Egyptian collection represents an impressive range of these burial rituals with mummy masks, coffins and burial gifts.
The highlight of the department is the chamber of sacrifice of Seshemnefer III. from Giza.

Ancient Art
Which objects did the ancient Greeks and Romans use every day? The Original Collection of the Classic Archaeology Department shows objects of everyday life, from graves and the cult of the ancient Mediterranean people. The most famous piece is the Tübingen gunner, a bronze statuette of an Olympic athlete.

Ancient Coins
More than just money? The Collection of Coins from the Classic Archaeology Department presents the visitor with a cross section of the history of money, from the first coins of the 7th century BC to the coinage of Alexander the Great all the way to Gaius Julius Caesar and the Roman emperors.

Antique Sculptures
What were the significant sculptures of Antiquity? The casts of famous statues from various European museums, of reliefs and architecture fragments from the collection of Classical Archaeology offer a fascinating tour through the history of antique art.

Offer for School Classes
Every school class of the county of Tübingen has the opportunity to visit the Museum of Ancient Cultures for a highly-reduced price, as the KSK Tübingen sponsors the visit with up to 75 Euros per class and with up to 50 Euros if using public transport. Please send the receipts for the visit and the transport to the KSK Tübingen (Kreissparkasse Tübingen, Marktkommunikation, Mühlbachäcker-Straße 2, 72072 Tübingen).
We thank the Kreissparkasse Tübingen for this offer!
Visit the Museum
Opening Hours
Wed to Sun, 10am till 5pm
Thu, till 7pm
Guided Tours
“Sundays at 3” all year round
Group and school tours by arrangement
Christina Häfele, Thomas Klank
Tel: +49 (0)7071 29 77579
Send e-mail
Entry Fee
Adults: 5€
Reduced: 3€ (children, pupils, students, pensioners, severely disabled people)
Family Ticket: 12€
Students of the University of Tübingen: free
Museum of the University Tuebingen MUT
Ancient Cultures | Collections at Hohentübingen Castle
Burgsteige 11
72070 Tübingen