World heritage times two: pile dwellings and Ice Age art
The six caves found in the Swabian Alb and the Ice Age art which was excavated were declared a World Heritage Site. On July 9th, 2017 in Krakow, the responsible committee decided to include the Vogelherd, Bockstein, Hohlenstein-Stadel, Sirgenstein, Geißenklösterle and Hohle Fels sites as well as the oldest human figurative art found there on the World Heritage list.
Since the beginning of the 20th century, scientists at the University of Tübingen have been unearthing and researching the oldest evidence of human figurative art, music and beliefs in the caves in the Ach and Lone valleys. Theanimalfigurines,flutesandpiecesofjewelrymadeofmammothivoryandboneorfigurinessuchastheVenusofHohleFelswereproducedduringthelastIceAgearound40,000yearsago.
From Wednesday to Sunday, the MUT Alte Kulturen at Hohentübingen Castle displays more original finds from the Ice Age caves than all four other museums combined, including numerous animal figurines made of mammoth ivory from the Vogelherd cave and the newly discovered fragment of a flute made of griffon vulture bone.
In addition to Ice Age art, the Museum Alte Kulturen | Schloss Hohentübingen also houses numerous finds from the Neolithic and Late Bronze Age wetland settlements on Lake Federsee. The world-famous "pile dwelling settlements" have been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2011. Together with the collections of Iron Age Celtic settlements, such as the finds from the Heuneburg on the upper Danube and Heidengraben near Grabenstetten on the Swabian Alb, they are presented in the Department of Recent Prehistory.
This makes the University of Tübingen the only university in the world to hold shares in two different World Heritage Sites.
Press Releases
Ärger um Vermarktung von Fundstücken aus Eiszeithöhlen
Südwestpresse, 31.08.2018 [Link]
Kein Weltkulturerbe? - UNESCO-Siegel-Problematik am Museum der Universität
RTF1, 13.08.18 [Link]
Mehr Besucher durch Unesco-Siegel
SWR, 9.7.2018
Löwe, Bär oder Eiszeit-Schaf?
Schwäbisches Tagblatt, 17.7.2017, [PDF]
Ein Tübinger Louvre?
Schwäbisches Tagblatt, 13.7.2017, [PDF]
Höhlen der Eiszeitkunst sind Weltkulturerbe
RTF1, 11.07.2017 [Video]
Schwäbische Höhlen sind Weltkulturerbe
Friedemann Schrenk im Deutschlandfunk Kultur, 10.7.2017 [Link]
Eiszeitkunst-Höhlen sind Weltkulturerbe
Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, 9.7.2017 [Link]
Eiszeit-Höhlen bei Ulm sind Weltkulturerbe
Spiegel Online, 9.7.2017 [Link]
Schwäbische Eiszeithöhlen werden Welterbe
Zeit Online, 9.7.2017 [Link]
Tübinger Universität freut sich mit
Schwäbisches Tagblatt, 7.10.2017 [PDF]
Die UNESCO sollte mal ins Unimuseum gehen
Schwäbisches Tagblatt, 7.7.2017 [PDF]
The press release on the caves and on the Ice Age art as well as the infographic of the caves can be found under the following link. Please contact us for the use of high-resolution photos (see below).
3D-Modells of the Ice Age Figures
Stone Age Workshop
The “Stone Age Workshop” by Marek Thomanek offers children, adolescents, or also adult groups great activities.
Guided tour
On the ICE AGE Search for the Ghost of the Castle
Small speleologists help the ghost Kuno in the search for traces through the history of mankind.

Guided Tour
With the Ice Age Figures at Night
What happens in the museum when the light goes off? Will the Ice Age figures come alive or can you hear the music of the flute made out of bird bone?

Guided Tour
Trip to the Ice Age
On a round trip through our prehistoric department you will be confronted with the oldest figurative artwork of the world and many other fascinating finds from the Ice Age.
Visit the Ancient Cultures Museum
Opening Hours
Wed to Sun 10am to 5pm
Thurs 10am to 7pm
During holidays, the museum is usually open from 10am to 5pm.
Adults: 5€
Reduced: 3€ (children, pupils, students, pensioners, severely disabled people)
Family ticket: 12€
Students of Tübingen: Free of charge
Phone: +49 (0) 7071-29-77384
Send email
Museum Ancient Cultures
Burgsteige 11
72070 Tübingen