Special Exhibitions
Art and Cult
December 13th, 2024 to March 16th, 2025
The objects bequeathed to the University of Tübingen by Dr Claus Pelling and Dr Dr h.c. Marie Luise Zarnitz are on par with the Berlin collection of the same donors. They consist of artefacts from various cultures, especially richly painted and inscribed ceramics, jade sculptures, and gold objects. The impressively beautiful pieces mainly come from Mesoamerican cultures, in this case the Maya, Chupícuaro and Zapotecs, but also from Southamerican peoples such as the Chavín, Paracas, Tumaco, and Chimú. The objects date from approximately 1000 BCE to the arrival of the Europeans.
Anatomy Unbound
April 17th, 2023 to September 30th, 2025 (extended)
This exhibition was developed in three research projects by students of history and medicine under the direction of PD Dr. Henning Tümmers and Leonie Braam, M.A. (Institute for Ethics and History of Medicine) and Prof. Dr. Benigna Schönhagen and Stefan Wannenwetsch, M.A. (Grave Field X Project at the Institute for Historical Geography and Ancillary Historical Sciences). The interdisciplinary project is being developed in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hirt (Institute for Clinical Anatomy and Cell Analysis) and Prof. Dr. Ernst Seidl (Museum of the University of Tübingen MUT).
Colonial Shadows
from January 22nd, 2025
Elisabeth Krämer-Bannow, who was part of the expedition as self-taught illustrator, photographer and ethnologist, used her access to the women of Palau to document their daily lives and culture from a rare perspective. While male explorers often lacked access to this world, she was able to provide intimate insights that often went unobserved in ethnological research at the time. Her watercolours and photographs, on display in the exhibition, offer a vivid picture of Palauan life and a critical reflection on the colonial view of the period.