Anatomy Unbound
April 17th, 2023 to September 30th, 2025 (extended)
Old Anatomy (Alte Anatomie) | Österbergstraße 3 | 72074 Tübingen
Mon to Fri from 10am to 5pm
Until September 2025 | guided tours by the curatorial team
graeberfeldx[at] |
A Tübingen science and National Socialism
The vernissage took place on 17 April, 2023 at 6 pm in the Old Anatomy on the Österberg. Political scientist, historian and journalist Götz Aly spoke on the topic of ‘The NS terror regime as windfall for research. Merit, fame, and honour of the anatomists H. Voss, J. Hallervorden and H. Stieve’ (Die NS-Gewaltherrschaft als Glücksfall für die Forschung. Verdienste, Ruhm und Ehre der Anatomen H. Voss, J. Hallervorden & H. Stieve).
The exhibition
Under National Socialism, anatomy crossed the traditional boundaries of scientific work. Anatomists now had no hesitation using the bodies of executed Nazi victims and other marginalised members of the 'national community' for research as well as teaching. Tübingen medicine also benefited from the radicalisation of Nazi justice and persecution policies, which increasingly affected people from Eastern Europe. While scientists had previously only been able to dissect a small number of deceased homeless people, executed prisoners, and stillborn babies, with the beginning of the war the problem of obtaining human bodies finally became a thing of the past. The exhibition 'Anatomy unbound. A Tübingen science and National Socialism' uses objects, documents and interviews to explore the history of a medical discipline before, during and after the Nazi tyranny: How did anatomy work before 1933? Who were the people whose corpses ended up in the Tübingen anatomy department during the unjust state? When did the critical examination of the transgressions of one's own discipline begin? What continuities and disruptures did emerge in the 20th century? The exhibition presents its answers at the historical site of the events - in the Old Anatomy building.
The curatorial team
Students of history and medicine have jointly developed the exhibition in three teaching research projects under the direction of PD Dr Henning Tümmers and Leonie Braam, M. A. (Institute for the Ethics and History of Medicine) and Professor Dr Benigna Schönhagen and Stefan Wannenwetsch, M.A. (Cemetery X Project at the Institute for Regional History and Historical Ancillary Sciences). The interdisciplinary exhibition project is being developed in collaboration with Professor Dr Bernhard Hirt (Institute of Clinical Anatomy and Cell Analysis) and Professor Dr Ernst Seidl (Museum of the University of Tübingen MUT).
Guided tours
Curator tours take place on the first Friday of every month at 3pm with a minimum of five people. Group tours as well as workshops are still available on demand, please contact the curatorial team via graeberfeldx[at] For further information visit Graeberfeld X.
The publication
Braam, Leonie, Schönhagen, Benigna, Tümmers, Henning (ed.):
Entgrenzte Anatomie
Schriften des Museums der Universität Tübingen MUT, hg. von Ernst Seidl, Bd. 26
Tübingen: 2023, 211 pages,
colour illustrations throughout,
price 29,90 Euro;
available at the museum ticket office or in the MUT online shop.
ISBN 978-3-949680-03-8